1992 June to August

 A few pages only survive beyond August 1990, tucked into the back of an earlier volume.

June 7th
Near the Ash tree I saw a dappled Daddy Long Legs in the sunshine. There have been two male Goldfinches hanging around the Clough lately; I think they must not have paired this year. The sun is hot, the sky blue with Summer clouds, and a refreshing wind is blowing.

June 20th
Saw a Meadow Brown and a Skipper down the Clough for the first time this year. There was a brown and black barred fly, with large brown eyes and a sting - it kept pushing out of its abdomen, about quarter of an inch long. I think it was a Hornet. Just lately I have seen two olive-coloured Finches, with finch-like beak and pink legs. I think they must be Greenfinches.

June 27th
I saw a family of Long Tailed Tits in the valley. The young were a grubby black and white and I couldn’t see any pink on them, unlike the parents who had streaks of pink. Also the young Tits had not the long tails of the adults.

July 6th
Near the carp pond, baby Toads are hopping around. Many were less than a cm long. It’s very rare I see adult Toads in this area. In the Hay Meadow I saw a large adult Orange Underwing Moth.

The Thyme Leaved Speedwell has had pale blue flowers all June in the grass verges. White and Yellow Stonecrops can be seen in gardens and the wasteland. I think the yellow is Unreflexed Stonecrop.

July 31st
Today I saw the first Black Ladybird with two red spots, on one of the Ash trees. They always hatch out in the Autumn. Many more are still in larvae form. About a week ago I saw a Red Dragonfly flying over the Clough, one of the first I’ve seen this year.

August 2nd
A real delight today. For the very first time, I saw a Comma Butterfly on thistles down the Clough. There were Meadow Browns flying about, and a dainty Small Copper. But the Comma, which I have never seen before, stole the show. It was an orange butterfly with black markings. I recognised it from a Tortoiseshell by the zigzag outline of its wings.

August 4th
I found the three to four inch long brown Caterpillar of the Elephant Hawk Moth. I have never seen one of these moths, but recognised the caterpillar by its sheer size. I believe they feed on Rosebay Willow Herb and found this to be correct, so I took the caterpillar to its food plant as it was on a pathway nowhere near any.

August 5th
Went a lovely walk round Wayoh with Gina. The purple Heather is out and we saw a few lovely delicate blue Harebells. About thirty Canada Geese flew off the reservoir and over our heads. We saw a few Mallard on the water. Hemp Agrimony was flowering with Yellow Loosestrife around the water edge.

August 6th
As well as seeing a few black Ladybirds with two red spots on the Ashes, I also saw two small Red Ladybirds with white heads and two Black Spots. I wonder if they are related to the Black ones by a recessive gene, or are in fact another species.

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